


Making Lab


As part of the 4th Anyang Public Art Project, Making Lab served as a channel for introducing open source technology to the public, by becoming an alternative public space for independent and self-reliant production of cultures. Its interest was in the artistic and social potential of educational activities, in the context of the intersection between open source technology and public art.

During the one and half year I worked as researcher at Making Lab, I managed the project through research, public outreach, 25+ workshops and public events, production of artists-made kits and manuals, exhibition of works by artists and participants, collaboration with other public projects and documentation, among other things.

The Making Lab team worked creatively in close collaboration with the Anyang Public Art Project team totaling in a group of 30+ curators and researchers. This collaborative nature of our work gave me the opportunity to closely observe one of the Library team’s bigger projects, the digitizing of work collections from previous events. The Library team’s thorough research geared towards the appropriate taxonomy and their active communication with the web development team was a great inspiration.

Making Lab showcase installation view

Making Making Lab roundtable

Making Marathon, a summer community hackathon


  • “만들기 문화와 시민 참여의 가능성”. 강연. 카이스트 문화기술 벤처 크리에이티브랩, 서울. 2014년 1월 14일.
tech pedagogyart stuff